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Round 6

Race Regulations and Track Limit Guide

Race Regulations

Detail information of
the race and technical regulations

Race Regulations Video Guide

A video guide for the race and technical regulations

Track Limit Guide

The race stewards will be closely monitor
the corners indicated but not limit to.

Track Map

A circuit map with indicator of the corners that the race stewards will be closely monitor but not limit to.

Regulations: Files

Race Bulletins


排位賽(Qualifying)及 優勝負重(Success Ballast)更新

「優勝負重」(Success Ballast)原意為拉近各組車手距離,令未熟悉賽事之車手可與技術較佳者於比賽維持競爭性。但近兩季資料顯示,分別出現過綠组、銀組及金組車手,因為額外負重,限制表現下未能晉身正賽,賽會認為此情況有違SB的原意,對這些失去比賽資格車手有欠公允。因此,賽會決定調整SB之安排,引入排位資格限制(Qualification Maxima - QM)。






Regulations: Files

Key Regulations

A brief overview of some of the key rules and regulations, with full Sporting and Technical Regulations for each race round is available as a download at the top of this page.

Technical Overview

The technical setting of the race cars is according to the technical regulations of each championship.

Race Format

There are 6 rounds in the current season. Each round there will be qualifying session of 15 minutes followed by three SSMDG races of equal distance of 45km.

The points system is 20-17-15-13-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for the top 15 finishers.

Single bonus points are awarded for the fastest qualifier, fastest lap in each race and for leading a lap during races.

For BoP Test Day, points are awards to top 8 drivers with fastest average lap time after the 3 timed sessions in 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. For the race session, points are awards to top 8 finishers in 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

‘Option’ Compounds

'Option' RSS (Racing Super Soft) tyre compound must be used for one of the race in a championship round.

Race Grids

  • The grid for race one is decided during the qualifying session.

  • The grid for race two is based on the finishing order of race one

  • The grid for race three is based on finishing positions of race two. However, there is also a reversed-grid element to the starting order. Numbers representing the cars that finished from sixth to 16th position in race two are entered into a computer, and one number is drawn at random by the software. The corresponding car will start on pole, with the cars that finished ahead of it reversed i.e. if number six is chosen, the car that finished sixth in race two will start from pole ahead of the car that finished fifth, fourth, third etc. The remainder of the grid follows as per the finishing order of race two

Success Ballast

Cars that are successful in the SSMDG Gran Turismo Championship must carry ballast (additional weight) in their cars.

Maximum success ballast will be increased to 5%, thereafter reducing in 1% increments down to fifth  place as follows: 1st: 5%, 2nd: 4%, 3rd: 3%, 4th: 2%, 5th: 1%

  • Between events, the ballast is allocated according to championship positions and is carried in qualifying and race one

  • For races two and three, the ballast is allocated according to the finishing positions in race one and two respectively


These regulations may be amended by SSMDG during the course of the season with all teams and officials notified of any changes via official championship bulletins.

Regulations: Text

Driver Level

Bring Racing Closer

The race management of SSMDG utilised ASPAR (Average Score per Attended Race) to rate drivers into Gold, Silver, Green, Light Blue and Dark Blue.

With the driver level, the race management will apply Balance of Performance to each driver during the championship in order to bring closer racing.

SSMDG DAR 12th 2021.png
Regulations: Image

Race Protest Form

All Race Protest must fill in this form

Driver who raise race protest is required to fill in a Race Protest Form and acknowledge the race stewards.

Regulations: HTML Embed

Race Penalty Appeal Form

All Race Penalty Appeal must fill in this form

Drivers who have a race penalty appeal are required to fill in a Race penalty Appeal Form and acknowledge the race stewards.

Regulations: HTML Embed
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